(* A Litmus test in Chemistry is used to infer if a mixture is
Acidic, Alkaline or Neutral in its present state)
(* A Litmus test in Chemistry is used to infer if a mixture is
Acidic, Alkaline or Neutral in its present state)

While I may refer to my Bene Israel community in this post, I truly believe and have experienced this problem to be universally affecting all Jewish families around the world including those in Israel. I see the stress in a mixed marriage created between husband and wife, and more importantly with the children not knowing what is the right religion to follow which makes them anti-religion and this is demonstrated by the new rising THIRD class of NON-DENOMINATIONAL people who believe in NO RELIGION.
If ALL Religion were Created to Control people, then I would also gladly belong to this THIRD group. But if understood correctly, and used to make the right choices, it does not have to be the case.
Is there a little bit of Hindu or Christian or Muslim in a Bene Israel? Specially those living outside Israel. Is it only me who gets bothered when I see a Bene Israel greeting that says "Happy Dusserra to *** my FAMILY *** and Friends ? Which Bene Israel Jewish family celebrates Dusserra? (No offense meant to the Hindus who have been our benefactors)
Should it not bother me when Bene Israel go to churches and temples to pray for their well being when they are going through a major life crisis even including life and death situations of their loved ones?
The images I present here are just a suggestion of why Jews were
punished by our God who did not have the patience and will power to keep
their trust in one God. If you care to be Jewish read the 10
commandments and at least understand the basic core values of being a
Jew if you want to be one.
"Only about .1% of the Jews (one in a thousand) participated in the calf ritual and 99.9% of the Jews did nothing wrong, (although the majority’s failure to stop the minority from worshiping the Golden Calf was considered a mistake). Yet God’s reaction makes it clear he is blaming the whole nation."
The is not a personal attack against any one person but a community wide message to all those who are still dispersed in exile and confused about what they need to be doing in the middle of strong forces of assimilation around them.

If ALL Religion were Created to Control people, then I would also gladly belong to this THIRD group. But if understood correctly, and used to make the right choices, it does not have to be the case.
Is there a little bit of Hindu or Christian or Muslim in a Bene Israel? Specially those living outside Israel. Is it only me who gets bothered when I see a Bene Israel greeting that says "Happy Dusserra to *** my FAMILY *** and Friends ? Which Bene Israel Jewish family celebrates Dusserra? (No offense meant to the Hindus who have been our benefactors)
Should it not bother me when Bene Israel go to churches and temples to pray for their well being when they are going through a major life crisis even including life and death situations of their loved ones?

"Only about .1% of the Jews (one in a thousand) participated in the calf ritual and 99.9% of the Jews did nothing wrong, (although the majority’s failure to stop the minority from worshiping the Golden Calf was considered a mistake). Yet God’s reaction makes it clear he is blaming the whole nation."
The is not a personal attack against any one person but a community wide message to all those who are still dispersed in exile and confused about what they need to be doing in the middle of strong forces of assimilation around them.


(Based on input on Torah matters from Orthodox Rabbis in Israel)
"distraction of stronger influences of other religions" and
"assimilation" are two terrible curses for those Jews continuing living
in "galut" (Hebrew name for 'exile', i.e., dispersion of Jews from
their inherited eternal homeland, Israel ). In Israel – the Holy Land
– the Land of our Forefathers – we do not have these problems among the
'lucky', 'devoted' and 'enlightened' group of religious followers. The
'secular' Jewish life even in Israel
is characterized by fearfulness, lack of conviction, foolishness &
anxieties. This is the natural calamity that befalls one who is uprooted from
Torah knowledge, upbringing & observance anywhere including the Holy Land .
So the only solution
really lies firstly, in expeditious 'aliyah'(or 'climbing') to the Holy Land and secondly, living a life of faith and
Torah-observance. The blessed Holy Land is
located right under the Most Honoured & Adorned Throne of Al-ighty G-d! It
is the only safe place for the Jews on earth. No evil can ever befall them if
they are Torah observant. There is no obstruction as yet in immigrating to Israel . The
rabbis say there will be such obstruction by non-Jewish rulers in the near
future. No need to wait till then.

The physical
world we live in is the very lowest form of creation in the universe. It is because
of this particular 'lowliness' of existence that every 'little' act of 'mitzvah'
(or blessing) from the Torah we individually perform as 'little' human beings
and as Jews in this material & physical world defies the law of gravity and
Newton's third law of motion that says, "Each action has an equal &
opposite reaction". This is the case with every act that has spiritual
value. In fact, when something does not comply with laws of physical science
means it has spiritual dimensions.
The 'little' act
causes a 'tremendously disproportionate' ripple effect in G-d's spiritual
worlds above us. The merit of the act rises directly above. Thus the gravitational
law is defied. The force it exerts is in consequence to the act performed. Thus
it is indeed an 'opposite' response but it is unequally extraordinary and
substantial reaction. Thus it is not an 'equal' response and therefore Newton 's third law of
motion is defied.
We do not really
feel or fathom the immensity of commotion, jubilation, excitement &
celebration this 'little' act of a Jew causes in the upper spiritual worlds and
the unlimited & unending reward it brings to the Jew!!! The little act may
be like taking each step towards the synagogue for offering prayers. Better
still when each step is taken towards a Torah class. Occupation of a Jew with
'Torah Study' is the very best mitzvah from amongst all the 613 mitzvoth
(blessings) he can perform in his life.
The purpose of the act determines the values & reward. 'Torah learning' which a mitzvah directly commanded by the Torah is a greater mitzvah than the mitzvah of praying which is a mitzvah designated by 'chazal' (or rabbis).
The purpose of the act determines the values & reward. 'Torah learning' which a mitzvah directly commanded by the Torah is a greater mitzvah than the mitzvah of praying which is a mitzvah designated by 'chazal' (or rabbis).
The best source &
guide for learning of the Holy Torah should always be a well-known & senior
Rabbi who strictly adheres and follows Orthodox Judaism in all its purity &
perfection - one who has been ordained as a Rabbi by the Orthodox Rabbinate.
All forms of Judaism other than Orthodoxy are a "rebellion" against
G-d, may G-d have mercy upon those Jews who practice those forms, like
Conservative Judaism and Reconstructionist Judaism and worst of all Reform
Judaism. Orthodox Judaism is the closest to G-d's Torah.
Jewish brethren
are strictly admonished from turning to those unrecognized, shameful, degraded,
tainted & altered forms of Judaism that follow human convenience rather
than meek adherence to the precepts of our holy Torah as clearly directed &
desired by G-d. Any digression from the original, authentic & orthodox form
of Judaism will bring pain, suffering and condemnation from G-d. This is not
simple rhetoric. We challenge the detractors of authentic Judaism to justify
their unfounded claims to their alien beliefs & practices that offend G-d &
mankind. These Jews offend G-d even more than the followers of Christianity and
its false prophet because the Christians are ignorant and non-Jewish by birth
while they are born holy & Jewish. We are very proud that the Indian Jewish
communities have largely inherited the orthodox Jewish practices, culture,
tradition & texts.
By the way, any
non-Jew can convert to Judaism and choose to live a perfectly happy, holy and
fulfilling life as any other born Jew and such a convert, who becomes a Jew by
conviction, after he follows the conversion procedure, is to be loved even more
than a born Jew. He is to be fully accepted and respected in the community.
What should be the nature of the Jewish convert will be discussed in some
forthcoming article, G-d willing.
We know from
'chazal' (the holy rabbis) that the doing of only one particular 'mitzvah'
(blessing) for sure will help reduce & remove the many problems and
anxieties in a Jew's life. After you have access to good, interesting and genuine
articles on the Torah and to video links to Torah lectures by reputed rabbis, I
suggest that you immediately start to study & reflect upon those articles
and see the video lectures on Torah subjects as much as possible and preferably
during specific fixed hours of the day & night.
Not only this,
but circulate the two-fold information (about the articles and the videos)
freely among our Jewish people through e-mailing, personal meetings and viewing.
Do not forget to show the information to your spouse, sons and daughters.
Inform them to study & reflect upon them well. You may photocopy the
articles and distribute them among those who read English in the synagogue. You
may carry out translations in Marathi. You can organize study sessions &
meetings among family members and other Jews, to discuss the articles and see
the videos. Inform & assure the people that it is authentic information on
the Torah from good & reputed rabbis in Israel .
Before doing the
above pray to Almighty G-d that in the merit of all that you undertake to do,
to please send you favourable salvation, solution and settlement to all your
nagging problems and the problems of your dear sons, daughters and their family
members and those of the family & nation of Israel. While you perform the
above activities, again keep on praying likewise.
Please do not
underestimate the worth of what is suggested above. The proper spreading of the
knowledge of Torah among Jews is a very important & powerful mitzvah or blessing
that can completely root out your personal & family problems and open up
your good fortune irrespective of your location on earth. But do not digress
from the authenticity of the sources of materials & video links. Another
mitzvah is to patch up with all brother & sister Jews and work for peace,
cooperation and happiness of all Jews in the community. It is also essential to
immediately remove the references, photos & quotes of non-Jewish alien
deities if they have inadvertently entered your Facebook page, your person,
your house, your car and all your other possessions!!
You have to be a
person of faith & conviction to accomplish the above task consistently.
Undertake the holy assignment for as long as possible. The longer you are
involved in it, the longer will the charm work. This holds true for all Jewish
families but unfortunately there are many Jews ignorant or unconvinced about
the miraculous power we hold in our hands, namely the Torah! AAMEN.